Privacy Policy


UrParking under UR APPS INC (“UrParking”, “we” or “us” or “our”) provides a platform to find and manage parking spots (“Marketing Services”). This includes:

Showing parking spot availability on our website ( and mobile app (the “Site”).

Facilitating parking spot reservations (“Reservations”) between users (“you”) and parking owners/operators (“Licensors”).

We take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect when you use the UrParking platform and how we use it. It also details your privacy rights and how you can control your information.


  • Account: Your personal profile that allows you to access UrParking’s features.
  • Affiliate: A company that UrParking owns, is owned by, or works closely with.
  • App: The UrParking software program you download to your device.
  • Company: UR APPS INC, doing business as UrParking, located at [Your Company Address].
  • Country: The country where UrParking operates (replace with your specific country).
  • Device: Any electronic gadget you use to access UrParking, like a computer, phone, or tablet.
  • Personal Data: Information that can identify you as an individual.
  • Service: All the features and functionalities you can access through UrParking.
  • Service Provider: A company that helps UrParking run the Service behind the scenes.
  • Usage Data: Information automatically collected about how you use UrParking.


Data We Collect

Personal Data

We may collect personally identifiable information, including but not limited to:

  • Email address
  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Address, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City
  • Vehicle information (license plate, make/model/year)
  • Usage Data

Usage Data

When you use UrParking, we automatically collect some information about your activity. This information may include:

  • Your device’s internet address (IP address)
  • Your browser type and version
  • The pages you visit on UrParking and how long you spend on them
  • Your device’s unique identifier
  • Other diagnostic data that helps us improve the app

Information You Allow Us to Collect

UrParking offers features that require your permission to work. Here’s what information we collect with your consent:

  • Location: This allows you to find nearby parking spots and navigate to them (permission granted through your device settings or by enabling location tracking in the app).
  • Photos and Videos: You can choose to share pictures from your device’s camera roll (e.g., to report an issue with a parking spot).
  • Vehicle Information: You can enter your license plate number, vehicle make/model/year, for easier parking management.
  • Private Parking Spot Details: If you offer a private spot, you can share information like its location, availability, and pictures.
  • Payment Information: Our secure third-party payment processor, Stripe (, collects your financial information for transactions.

We use this information to provide the features you choose and improve your UrParking experience. The information may be stored on our servers, a service provider’s servers, or your device. You can always control access to this information through your device settings.

How We Use Your Information

We use the information you provide to:

  • Deliver and improve UrParking’s features and advertising (including those shown outside the app).
  • Maintain and operate UrParking, including monitoring usage patterns.
  • Manage your account and give you access to registered user features.
  • Fulfill contracts, like processing your parking reservation purchases.
  • Send you important updates and information about UrParking, such as security notices.
  • Offer you news and promotions about similar UrParking services (with your consent).
  • Process payments securely through Stripe (our third-party payment processor) and prevent fraud.
  • Address your requests and inquiries.
  • Evaluate and improve UrParking based on usage data and user feedback.
  • Calculate distances to available parking spots using your location information (with your permission).
  • Enforce our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and other agreements to protect UrParking, its users, and others.

Sharing Your Information

We share your information only as necessary to run UrParking and provide a great user experience. Here are some specific examples:

  • Service Providers: We work with companies that help us operate UrParking, like those handling data processing or payments (Stripe).
  • Parking Providers: When you book a spot with a parking provider (Licensor) through UrParking, we share some information to facilitate your reservation and allow them to contact you (subject to their privacy policy).
  • Business Transactions: During a merger, acquisition, or financing of UrParking, your information may be transferred to the new owner but will still be protected by this Privacy Policy.
  • Legal Requirements: We may disclose your information if required by law, for safety reasons, or to investigate fraud.
  • Affiliates: If UrParking has affiliates (companies under the same ownership), we may share your information with them, requiring them to follow this Privacy Policy.
  • Business Partners: With your consent, we may share your information with partners to offer you relevant products or promotions.

We never share your information with third parties for their own marketing purposes without your consent.

Data Retention Period

We don’t hold onto your information for longer than we need it. Here’s how we determine retention periods:

  • Legal Requirements: We may need to keep your data for legal reasons, such as complying with tax laws.
  • Providing the Service: We’ll retain your information as long as necessary to operate UrParking and deliver the features you use.
  • Resolving Disputes: We may keep some data for a while to resolve disputes or enforce our agreements.
  • Improving UrParking: We may use anonymized usage data for a limited time to improve UrParking’s functionality.

Where Your Information Is Stored

UrParking operates globally, so your information may be stored on servers outside your local jurisdiction. However, wherever your information is located, we take steps to protect it according to this Privacy Policy.

By using UrParking, you consent to this transfer of your information.

We are committed to keeping your data secure and will only transfer it to countries with adequate data protection measures in place.

When We May Disclose Your Information (Again)

There are limited situations where we may disclose your information beyond what was mentioned previously. These will always involve legal requirements or protecting your safety:

  • Business Transfers: If UrParking goes through a merger, acquisition, or sale, we’ll notify you before your information is transferred under a new privacy policy.
  • Law Enforcement: We may disclose your information if legally required, such as responding to a court order.
  • Safety and Security: We may disclose your information to protect UrParking, its users, or the public from harm, such as investigating fraud.

Keeping Your Information Safe

UrParking takes data security seriously. We use commercially reasonable measures to protect your information, but no system is foolproof.

This rewrite is shorter and uses simpler language. It avoids technical terms and focuses on the user’s perspective by assuring them that UrParking prioritizes data security.

Protecting Children’s Privacy

UrParking is not for users under 13. We don’t knowingly collect personal information from them.

If you’re a parent or guardian and believe your child has given us personal information, please contact us. We’ll remove it immediately.

In some regions, parental consent may be required for us to process your information. We’ll request it if necessary.

Links to Other Websites

UrParking may contain links to websites we don’t operate.  These sites have their own privacy policies, so be sure to review them before you visit. We’re not responsible for the content or practices of other websites.

Keeping You Informed: Updates to this Privacy Policy

All Services of UrParking are subject to the underlined Terms. We may update these terms from time to time without any prior notice. However, we may display a notification for the same through our Services or on our website at (the “Website”) indicating about the change in these Terms. You are advised to review these Terms periodically on our website. If you are using our Services, it will indicate that you have agreed to our terms and conditions, as stated in this document, without limitation or qualification. Consider the following terms and conditions as a legal and binding agreement between you and UrParking.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

By email:

Thank you for reading our Privacy Policy. We hope you enjoy UrParking !